Saint-Martin de Donges, France (Jean Dorian, 1957). All images © Thibaud Poirier, shared with permission
French photographer Thibaud Poirier continues his Sacred Spaces series by capturing the modern architecture of dozens of temples across Europe. Similar to earlier images, Poirier uses the same focal point of the front pulpit and pews in all of the photographs, allowing easy comparisons between the colors, motifs, and structural details of each location. “I selected these spaces for the use of original materials, modern for their time in sacred architecture, like steel, concrete, as well as large aluminum and glass panels,” he tells Colossal. Because travel has been limited due to COVID-19, Poirier has mostly visited 20th- and 21st-century churches in France, Germany, and the Netherlands for Sacred Spaces II, although he plans to expand his range in the coming months. Keep an eye out for those shots on Behance and Instagram.
Saint-Rémy de Baccarat, Baccarat, France (Nicolas Kazis, 1957)
St. Johann von Capistran, Munich, Germany (Sep Ruf, 1960)
United States Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel, Colorado Springs (Walter Netsch, 1962)
Saint Ignatius, Tokyo, Japan (Sakakura Associates, 1999)
Cathédrale de la Résurrection, Evry, France (Mario Botta, 1999)
Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur, Montrouge, France (Erik Bagge, 1940)
Notre-Dame-du-Travail, Paris, France (Jule-Godefroy Astruc, 1902)